Luke McPhan


Photo of Luke McPhan School of Biological Earth and Environmental Science
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052

Email: l.mcphan at

Research Interests

  1. 1. Utilizing non extractive methods to investigate adult fish abundance and size distribution as an indicator of estuarine health and diel fish movement.

Current Projects

I started a Bachelor of Science at UNSW in 2008, majoring in Marine Biology and Ecology and am now undertaking an honours year in the school of BEES with co supervision from Professor Iain Suthers and Associate Professor Matt Taylor.

My project will investigate adult fish abundance and size distributions within estuarine environments, utilizing data collected with Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Video footage (SBRUV) and Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON). Diel cycle has been attributed to the spatial distribution of adult fish, both herbivorous and predatory, within estuarine environments. It is thought that feeding ecology may have significant effect on the spatial distribution of adult fish, though variables including tidal cycling, water quality and substrate type may also influence diel site choice. The outcomes of the above methods will indicate the affects of estuaries, with different water quality and overall health, on adult fish populations.